So yesterday was everything that nightmares and ill wishes are made of. My God sis and I have this weird thing where we always catch the clock at the same time everyday. We usually send each other a text when it happens, but I was feeling so down yesterday that I just told her I would have to talk to her later because I felt so beaten down by life. Her response was: tomorrow's anew. I woke up today determined to make it better than yesterday. I said a prayer and made my declarations while getting dressed for my internship, and when I walked outside it was actually warm! Look at God! Won't He do it?
I got to the office and detected a weird mood from my superiors but I was so determined to be great today that I just did my work and kept my inner light shining, and wouldn't you know it, their mood seemed to improve as well. It's funny how a bad day can get passed around like a disease. One person pisses off another, and they just pass that negativity around. It really only takes one person to maintain their inner peace to break that cycle. You would be surprised how telling someone they look nice can alter their whole mood. That's my namaste moment for this post.
Anyway, my boss invited my intern partner and I to accompany her to a speaking engagement she was doing at our school and we accepted the invite of course. As we sat there listening to her tell about her career and how she got started I found myself in awe of her. To see a woman in a power position holding down a job, two children, and a husband, and doing so with style filled me with such inspiration. The highlight of her speech was when she acknowledged the qualities that my partner and I possess that make us such great assets to their team. I was so flattered and surprised, because it never occurred to me that she took notice of our personalities like that. We get so caught up in our various projects throughout the work day that it seems like no one really has time to notice anything about anyone aside from whether or not they look cute that day. Trust me in our office nine times out of ten they do.
The presentation concluded with the attendees coming up to my partner and I asking us questions like how we got the internship and if we really like it, and what they should do to get chosen to intern as well. We had a nice fifteen minutes of fame before departing and heading back to the office to get lunch. It was so nice out that we sat in Bryant Park and took in the sights of people in inappropriate attire, overly anxious for consistently warm weather.
I took quite a few things away from today. First off I have to remember that even when things get hard, there are so many people that would love to be where I am (financial struggles and all) so I have to remain humble and thankful. Second, people are always watching you, so be mindful of what you're showing them. Third, don't get so caught up in the everyday hustle that you forget to look up. After all I do live in New York.
In my best Ice Cube voice: today was a good day.
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